
Base on my research on New Zealand and its Disneyfied area I can see that there have been changes such as economic development, technology and cultural tourism that has brought about the growth of tourism in the country.Under the economic development tourism has boost due to the number of tourist coming to New Zealand. This is because of the leisure programmes the country got to offer and what the country is known for which are the scenery such as mountains, lakes and other popular attractions. The number of guest nights purchased grew in the 12 cities in the period 2004 to 2007 and at a similar rate of growth for New Zealand as a whole.Under the technology tourism has boost due to more transportation available such as direct flights, vehicles are able to enter rural areas.Under cultural tourism, New Zealand still recognizes Maori culture such as their traditions, language and heritage to attract tourist to boost the economy as its only can been seen in New Zealand. In this I can see that tourism has been a culprit in commodifying cultures and traditions to suit tourist needs and wants just to boost the economic development of the country such as having hotels, resorts, buffet, spa, and other interesting facilities in village areas.